It is a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the Central American Tourism Integration Secretariat. The Central American Tourism Council (CCT) is the highest authority of the SICCS. The presidency of the SICCS, corresponds to the minister who holds the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Central American Tourism Council and an Executive Committee (EC) for its operational functioning with the support of the chambers of tourism of each country that works with tourism companies/services of up to 6 different sectors, with the ultimate goal of improving the experience and satisfaction of the tourist.
The SICCS is a methodology that provides a comprehensive and permanent quality management system in a tourist destination with a new conception of expected results, a focus on continuous improvement and an attitude of recovery and enhancement of resources and space. The SICCS is based on the integral awareness of the destination and on the identification of common objectives of the agents involved.
The SICCS seeks a homogeneous level of quality in the services offered to tourists within the Central American Region, so that there are no substantial deficiencies in quality among the different products (agents) that make up the supply at the destination and, therefore, negative conditioning factors in the perception and satisfaction of tourists.
It offers member tourism companies/services a training plan, technical assistance visits to achieve the SICCS Seal by approved consultants, collective workshops, work groups that develop improvement proposals for the destination and evaluations that contrast the adequacy of the company/service to the quality standards. All of this culminates in the awarding of the Tourism Quality Commitment distinction.
The Tourist Quality Commitment badge is awarded to tourism companies/services that have accredited compliance with the established requirements. It is a recognition of the effort and commitment to quality and continuous improvement, while distinguishing the establishment from the competition. The award is valid for two years, although it is subject to an annual follow-up evaluation.
- The Central American Tourism Council (CCT) is the highest authority of the SICCS.
- The governing body of the Central American Integrated Quality and Sustainability System SICCS is the Secretariat for Central American Tourism Integration - SITCA.
- The presidency of the SICCS corresponds to the minister who holds the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Central American Tourism Council.
- The SICCS will have an Executive Committee (EC) for its operational functioning (Comité Centroamericano de Calidad y Sostenibilidad Turística (CCASTUR)).
Executive Committee
Generic Functions of the Executive Committee
- Locate and manage financing for the brand
- Approve and support plans derived from the strategies.
- Follow up on the objectives set, establishing measures to correct deviations.
- Set strategic directions for regulatory development, brand implementation and marketing objectives.
National Quality System Structures Delegation of each country
Within each country there is a government structure where the authorities, chambers of tourism, a technical committee for certification and a quality committee will be represented. There will also be representatives from hotels, restaurants, tour operators, thematic activities, tourist transport, rent a car, standardization organizations, auditors and environmental management, among other elements that will vary according to each country