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Welcome to the Central American Integrated System of Quality and Sustainability (SICCS)

SICCS is the seal of tourism quality for MSMEs in the Central American Region. It is an accessible, simple and flexible program, specially designed to provide added value and differentiation to your company..


Business owners get certified in SICCS

If you are part of SICCS you will receive useful training to plan, execute and control the management and delivery of your tourism services, enabling your company to reach quality standards valued by tourists, increasing the demand for your services and improving productivity and income.

SICCS certified





Mapa Honduras SICCS



El Salvador

Costa Rica

Testimonials videos

Testimonials from businessmen

SICCS provides useful guidance to tourism entrepreneurs to plan, execute and control the management and delivery of tourism services; guiding them towards achieving quality standards that are valued by tourists, thereby positioning the enterprise at the international level. SICCS can be used in marketing strategies to improve the image of the company and its community and, therefore, can increase the demand for services, productivity and income.

Tourism companies belonging to any of the following sectors: lodging, restaurants, tour operators, tourist transportation and car rental, thematic activities (adventure tourism companies).

Blue Badge: This is the basic or initial level that certifies SICCS. It indicates that the company has a basic management system.

Red Badge: It is the intermediate level that certifies SICCS. It certifies the availability of a consolidated management system.

Green Bagde: This is the highest level that SICCS certifies. It certifies the implementation of a very solid management system in the three areas: operational, relationship with the environment and social responsibility.

Comply with the legality in force to exercise its activity (Permit or operating license issued by the National Tourism Administration of your country). Submit the interest form placed online at: www.calidadcentroamerica.com Once the company has created its profile on the SICCS platform and completed its registration, complete, sign and submit the Protocol of Adhesion. Exercise the activity within the geographical scope of the following countries of the SICA Region:

a) Belize

b) Guatemala

c) El Salvador

d) Honduras

e) Nicaragua,

f) Costa Rica

g) Panamá 

h) Dominican Republic

Once the adhesion has been completed through the online platform (www.calidadcentroamerica.com), the self-assessment must be carried out by logging on to https://www.calidadcentroamerica.com/autoevaluacion/ b) Carry out the system implementation process with the support of an advisor assigned prior to the audit. The SICCS delegation in your country will assign an auditor who will perform the evaluation audit, once the process of consulting and implementation of the standard has been completed. c) Receive all scheduled visits from the SICCS consultant. d) Make the changes agreed in the Improvement Plan. e) Satisfactorily pass the audit.

It is a document where those aspects of the company with an opportunity for improvement and enhancement are reflected, in order to establish solutions or modifications to raise the quality standards of the activity, service, facilities, personnel, etc. The SICCS improvement plan must include a series of planned activities, where a person in charge is identified and a period of implementation or compliance.

SICCS contemplates that the participating companies will carry out the training in classroom mode, or with distance counseling, but with on-site verification of compliance.

Improves internal management, especially processes related to customer satisfaction and employee loyalty. Promotes a permanent quality management structure that ensures increased competitiveness of the tourism company. It offers a homogeneous level of quality in all the services of the company. Increases tourist satisfaction and promotes loyalty to the company. Commitment to the sustainable preservation of resources, making adequate use of raw materials to develop its commercial activity. Increases the involvement and participation of businessmen in the tourist development of the destination, as well as promotional programs of the National Tourism Administrations. It is eligible for the Central American Integrated Tourism Quality and Sustainability System (SICCS) label, which distinguishes establishments that exceed and maintain the requirements defined by the model.

Designate a representative within the company to take responsibility for the necessary changes prior to certification. Provide the SICCS advisor with the necessary information to start the process. Make proper use of the SICCS trademark, according to the Trademark Assignment and Use Regulations. Provide the necessary information for the elaboration of SICCS promotional material. Attend training sessions and carry out the improvement plan, as needed. Attend the evaluators in the audit. Maintain the implemented management system.

The period of validity of the badge is 2 years and can be renewed for an equal period, once the application for re-certification is initiated, which can be requested through the contact link by visiting the office of the National Tourism Administration in your country.

YES. The company can unsubscribe when required, for this you must send a note signed and sealed by the legal representative of the company, to the SICCS delegation of your country. (National Tourism Administration)